Outline planning permission secured for redevelopment of Greyfriars police station site


DLP Planning Ltd, acting on behalf of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire, have secured outline planning permission for the redevelopment of the redundant Greyfriars Police Station site located within Bedford town centre.

The outline scheme, prepared by CASS (formerly BE1 Architects), is for a building of eight storeys, providing for up to 105 new homes in the form of 2, 3 and 4 bedroom apartments, within the bespoke designed building, includes also 30% affordable housing.

The development scheme also incorporates town centre uses on the ground floor to provide an active frontage, subterranean parking, cycle and bin storage, and raised first floor deck areas of open space and landscaping.

Highways inputs were provided by DLP’s Sustainable Development and Delivery Team (SDD).

The proposal is the first to be approved within the wider Greyfriars regeneration area identified under Policy 11 of the adopted Bedford Local Plan.

It lies in a highly sustainable location, adjacent to the Central Bus Station and near to Bedford Railway Station, and it is hoped will be the start point for the wider regeneration of the area.

Following extensive negotiations with Bedford Borough Council throughout the application process, the site boundary was amended to include additional land to facilitate the delivery of junction improvement works to remove Greyfriars roundabout and replace it with a modern fit for purpose signalised junction.

A Section 106 contribution of £250,000 towards the works was also made to supplement £2.31m funding already secured by the Council via the Government’s Towns Fund.

Cllr Andrea Spice, Portfolio Holder for Town Centres and Planning said: “The redevelopment of the Greyfriars area is a key part of our team’s plans for regenerating key sites across Bedford Town Centre.

“The permission that has been granted for the redevelopment of this site represents a major milestone in our plans. With £2.31m from Central Government already secured through the Bedford Town Deal, we look forward to bringing forward the significant package of investment secured for this vital town centre gateway.”