Home News Cllr Coombes says: “We inherited a financial mess from Cllr Headley and...

Cllr Coombes says: “We inherited a financial mess from Cllr Headley and his team”


In the on-going budget debate in Bedford Borough, the Liberal Democrats have criticised the new Conservative administration, alleging a loss of control over the council’s finances.

However, the Conservatives argue that they inherited a financial mess when they took office.

Cllr Graeme Coombes robustly responded to Henry Vann’s vexatious remarks saying: “The Lib Dem Leader seems to have forgotten that the Conservatives only took control of the Council four months ago.

“We inherited a financial mess from the outgoing Lib Dem administration – one that he was himself a member of – with a £2.37m overspend racked up by the Lib Dems in their last year in office.

“The budget we are working to currently, is the one set by the Lib Dems just before they lost office and coincidentally the numbers are remarkably similar to those of 12 months ago, so there are no big surprises.

“Cllr Vann’s memory seems short, whilst his capacity for mischief is huge. Any financial difficulties in the current year need to be laid fairly and squarely at the Lib Dems’ door.”

Cllr Henry Vann, the leader of Bedford’s Liberal Democrats, issued a statement in anticipation of the upcoming Executive Meeting on September 13, where emerging budget issues will be discussed.

Vann expressed concern over the forecasted overspend of over £12 million this year and criticised the Conservative’s proposed solution, which falls short of the necessary measures.

Cllr Graeme Coombes continued: “The Liberal Democrats are trying to pass the blame and failed to accurately budget for the council’s challenges.”

Coombes emphasised the need for early interventions to prevent crises and criticised the Liberal Democrats for neglecting this aspect. He stated that the current administration is committed to restoring the council’s financial stability.

Bedford Borough Bulletin – current edition