Business community unites in show of strength for East West Rail  

Rail freight potentially taking up tp 850 HGVs off the road every day.

Bedfordshire Chamber of Commerce has joined a rallying call by regional Chamber organisations for Government to accelerate full delivery of East West Rail (EWR) which they say is vital to boost local economies and create jobs along the entire route.

Bedfordshire Chamber, which represents over 700 businesses and around 50,000 employees, says EWR is vital to revitalise the town centre (Bedford) as a dynamic hub with better connectivity which will be a magnet for inward investment and create a more attractive shopping, leisure and hospitality destination.

The organisation, along with Cambridgeshire Chambers, Milton Keynes Chamber and Thames Valley Chamber, have united to bolster the existing strong support for EWR from businesses across the entire route.

Bedfordshire Chamber says that the National Audit Office’s (NAO) report, whilst acknowledging the inevitable issues around delivery, recognises the substantial benefits East West Rail will bring both regionally and nationally.

The NAO report and the Chancellor’s recommitment to the project in the Autumn Statement, are high-level endorsements for the project which needs to be delivered at pace to unlock growth and regenerate Bedford town centre.

Justin Richardson, CEO, Bedfordshire Chamber of Commerce, said: “Bedford stands to gain the most from East West Rail when you look at what is planned across the route so it’s imperative that this transformational project get delivered as quickly as possible.

“EWR will bring jobs, prosperity, growth and opportunities to Bedford for the benefit of both business and local communities – it’s crucial to enrich our high streets and drive local and national growth. This project is an essential catalyst to a wealth of benefits and has our strong support.”

Bedford station is already an important transport hub for the region, providing a gateway into the town centre and easy connections to Thameslink and East Midlands Railway (EMR) services on the Midland Main Line (MML).

East West Rail will improve connectivity in Bedford by providing people with quicker and more reliable east-west journeys which will generate business investment, prosperity and growth through better access to jobs and opportunities for local people.

Improvements to Bedford Midland station will drive regeneration of the area around the station and the town centre, unlocking further growth opportunities, while moving Bedford St Johns station closer to Bedford Hospital will improve access for patients, visitors and staff. The Marston Vale Line will also see a three-fold increase in services, which will help boost the local economy.

East West Rail will make Bedford just 35 minutes away from Cambridge, creating business collaboration, expansion and job opportunities.

Rob Wood, co-owner of Boss Controls, an independent Building Energy Management Systems company in Bedford, said: “One of the main reasons we have recently opened a new office in Bedford is because of its location and its potential for further transport connections including East West Rail.

“Some of our staff live along the line of the route at places like Bicester, so connecting Bedford with the towns and cities west and east will help us retain our staff and attract new talent. EWR will also help bring us closer to our supply chains and the potential to collaborate with other tech industries in an area which is rapidly growing for our industry.”