Home News Twice over the drink drive limit driver killed 83-year-old man

Twice over the drink drive limit driver killed 83-year-old man


A drunker builder who bought nine pints of Guinness at a social club in Flitwick was jailed for five years on Friday, March 15, 2024, for killing an 83-year-old man by dangerous driving.

Jason Briars, 54, may not have drunk all the beer but was more than twice over the legal limit when his Transit van crashed into a Corsa travelling in the opposite direction on the A507 near Maulden in Bedfordshire.

The Corsa driver, Thomas De Lacy from Trinity Road, Luton, was seriously injured and died a week later in Addenbrooke’s hospital in Cambridge on 13th November, 13, 2021.

Prosecutor Robert Brown told Luton Crown Court that Mr De Lacey was heading east along the A507 at 10.25 in the evening of Saturday, November 6, when the crash happened.

He said Briars was also taken to the hospital where he gave a blood-alcohol sample of 145 at 2.15 in the morning. The lowest “back calculation” of the amount of alcohol in his blood at the time of the crash was 179 – more than twice the legal limit.

Briars, of Ampthill Road, Flitwick, appeared for sentence having pleaded guilty to causing death by dangerous driving at an earlier hearing.

Mr Brown said CCTV captured Briars going into Flitwick Social Club at 4.24pm on the Saturday. Receipts showed that between 4.40 and 8.15 he bought nine pints of Guinness, although it could not be said he had drunk all of them. He left the club at 8.48.

It is not known where he went from there until just before the crash when another driver reported the transit van driving up close behind him and then pulling back on a number of occasions.

On a slight bend he saw the silver Transit van’s headlights drift as it continued in a straight line and hit Mr De Lacy’s blue Corsa.

“The defendant failed to negotiate the bend due to intoxication or tiredness. The prosecution cannot say he had consumed all the alcohol he purchased, but he must have imbibed a significant quantity.

”He is in his middle years and is old enough to know better and understand the consequences of the risk he was taking,” said Mr Brown.

Mr De Lacy, was was originally from Dublin, suffered serious injuries to his legs as well as fractured ribs. He made improvements in hospital, but his condition deteriorated on November 11. He suffered heart attacks as a result of the blood loss on November 13.

“He was loved and his family are distressed by his death,” said Mr Brown.

Briars, a father-of-three, was of previous good character and had a clean driving record. Character references were given to the judge.

His barrister, Charles Langley said: “He is very sorry. He pleaded guilty and indicated a guilty plea at the first opportunity.

“There has not been a day when he has not thought about the upset and distress he caused Mr De Lacy and his family.”

He said Briars did not accept he drank nine pints, but admitted he drunk the vast majority of it.

Mr Langley said Briars had been abusing alcohol, but since the crash had sought help and had not drunk and had counselling.

Jailing him Judge Michael Simon said Briars he was before the court in “wholly avoidable circumstances that were tragic and criminally serious.”

He told him: “You took the fateful decision to drive knowing you were not in a fit state to do so.

“You must have been at least twice legal limit for alcohol.

“Taking account of evidence I am satisfied your driving was highly impaired as a result of the alcohol you had taken.”

“Your responsibility for the death of Mr Lacy will rest heavily on your shoulders. I accept your remorse his genuine and heart-felt.”

The judge went on: “It take only one occasion when impaired by alcohol to kill. It is never worth taking the risk.

“The consequences for the victim’s family and for the perpetrator and the perpetrator’s family are potentially catastrophic.”

The judge banned him from driving for two years on his release from prison.




