High Sheriff’s Justice Service

High Sheriff of Bedfordshire Eric Masih, Mrs Neelam Masih and HM Lord-Lieutenant of Bedfordshire Helen Nellis with Judges, Town Mayors, High Sheriffs and honoured guests. Photography: June Essex Photography

High Sheriff of Bedfordshire, Eric Masih, was joined by Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Bedfordshire Helen Nellis and members of the judiciary community at his Justice Service which was held on Sunday, September 26, 2021, at the County Church of St Paul’s in Bedford.

A full procession started from the Shire Hall of Justice and was made up of High Court Judges of The South Eastern Circuit, Circuit Judges of The Crown, Family and County Court, the Chairman of The Bedfordshire Magistrates’ Court, Notaries, Council officials and leaders. A guard of honour made up of  Volunteer Police and Fire Cadets welcomed the party into the church. 

The service  was led by The Reverend Canon Kevin Goss and was held to give thanks for our system of law and order, to pray for the High Court of Parliament, Her Majesty’s Justice, The High Sheriff, all who administer the law and those who serve our community through the work of voluntary organisations. Thanks was given to the service of a fair and just society, and to the flourishing of family and community life, in which all may work for the common good.

In greeting the congregation, The Revd Canon Kevin Goss said “As those who shall all have to give account at the judgement seat of Christ, we are mindful of the times when we have failed to do what the Lord requires of us: to do Justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God”.

The sermon was delivered by Pastor Ottakal Chackochen Minister of Bedford Seventh Day Adventist Church. Bible readings were read by The Hon. Mrs Justice Cheema-Grubb and Mr Bez-a-leel Masih. Prayers were read by Revd Luke Larner (Minister of St Paul’s Church), Pastor Emmanuel Osei (President of South England Conference of the Seventh Day Adventist Church), Bishope Francis Vaughan (Miracle Church of God, Bedford) and Pastor David Neal (Publishing Editor, British Union Conference of the Seventh day Adventist Church). The service was blessed by Rt Revd Richard Atkinson The Bishop Of Bedford.

A collection was taken in aid of Bedfordshire Crimebeat, the High Sheriff’s chosen charity for the service, and was split equally with St Paul’s Church, Bedford.

Speaking after the service, High Sheriff of Bedfordshire Eric Masih said “ It is a honour to be able to welcome all High Court Judges, Circuit Judges, Magistrate and Law Enforcement officers to the Justice Service for the county of Bedfordshire. I would like to thank all Deputy Lieutenants and the High Sheriff’s team for the support in arranging this Justice Service.”