Police appeal after man is attacked and stabbed in Bedford park


Police investigating an assault in a Bedford park where a man was attacked and stabbed by a group of youths are appealing for information.

At around 10.30pm on Friday, October 8, three men were sitting on a bench in Jubilee Park when they were approached by a group of around seven boys thought to be aged around 16-19.

The group pushed one of the men to the ground and kicked him repeatedly, before making off.

They then returned around five minutes later in a larger group of around 15-20, made up of boys and girls, with some riding bikes and scooters. They surrounded the men again, with one boy threatening to stab one of the victims with a knife.

The men then attempted to walk away, but were chased and became separated, with one being attacked by another boy with a knife as he tried to exit the park gate near Dunham Close. He was later taken to hospital for treatment to a leg wound and injuries to his face.

Officers investigating the attack are looking to speak with anyone with information on the incident, or who may have captured video footage in the area at the time. In particular, detectives are looking for information on a boy thought to be aged between 16-19, white, who was clean shaven and wearing a dark hooded top.

Detective Constable Lisa Whitson, from Bedfordshire Police, said: “This appears to be an unprovoked attack where three men were set upon by a group of teenagers, with one of the victims needing hospital treatment for his injuries.

“It is clearly a very disturbing incident and our enquiries are ongoing to establish those responsible. We would appreciate the help of anyone in the area at the time who noticed the group, particularly those who may have doorbell or dashcam footage. You may have vital information that could help our investigation.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact DC Whitson through Bedfordshire Police’s online reporting centre or by calling 101 and quoting reference number 40/53629/21.

Alternatively, contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.