Community Lifeline for Flitwick


People stranded inside offered a lifeline by coordination of local volunteers

As COVID19 bites ever more deeply into our communities, a group of local agencies in Flitwick has come together to offer a lifeline. More and more of us are unable to do those things we have taken for granted, including shopping or picking up prescriptions.  The number of those displaying symptoms continues to grow, and many who are elderly or who underlying health conditions are not able to leave the house. Flitwick Community Lifeline has been created to help.

Local vicar, Rev Lucy Davis commented, “There is a huge amount of good will in Flitwick, with so many people helping out their neighbours or keeping in touch with friends. I kept getting phone calls from people offering to help. It was just a question of getting that help where it is needed so urgently.”

A number of the local Churches, along with Cllr Gareth Mackey, a mental health forum, and Town Council staff and, crucially, Ampthill and Flitwick Good Neighbours, have now joined forces. Cllr Mackey said “In these difficult times, it is vital that we work together to help those in need in our community. Across the town, I see multiple acts of generosity and kindness. However, it is also important that help is available that is safe and sustainable, as we potentially face many weeks of restrictions. We want to support those who are vulnerable behind closed doors and help to protect the NHS by ensuring those most at risk do not have to make unnecessary journeys. That is the purpose of the Flitwick Community Lifeline.”

Help will be coordinated under the umbrella of the Good Neighbours scheme, working across Flitwick, Ampthill and the surrounding areas. Each volunteer having a current DBS check and working within safe protocols for hygiene and money handling. Every visit will be recorded, so that help is robust and safeguarded.

The Flitwick Community Lifeline offers help with shopping and prescriptions. The number to call for help is 07833 314 903. Please do not call this number with offers of help, instead use the Facebook page @FlitwickCommunityLifeline

The lifeline also has volunteers who are happy to ring for a chat. Richard Luscombe, cofounder of The Forum – Busy Getting Stronger, says “Social isolation causes anxiety for all of us. For those with more vulnerable mental health, it is a particularly difficult time. Just a chat on the phone, an opportunity to be listened to, can help hugely.” The Forum is able to signpost to other agencies offering professional health support, including young people, for whom this period is proving very challenging.

People in the local community are encouraged to share the Lifeline number as widely as possible to reach those in most need: 07833 314 903