Luton Council loses over £30k in spoof email con


Luton Council lost over £30,000 when it fell victim to a spoof email.

The email related to a contractor’s bill for £44,932.79 but the bank details given for the payment were found to be an account controlled by Azeezah Sule-Onosipe.

Ms Sule-Onosipe, a nurse who has been suspended from working, sent £13,300 overseas, transferred £18,000 to Santander accounts belonging to other people and cleared a £3,055.29 credit card debt.

Prosecutor Andrew Johnson told Luton Crown Court on Thursday, February 23, 2023, the fraud was discovered when the contractor asked why its invoice is not paid.

£11,000 of the money was frozen and recovered. Sule-Onosipe of Atkins Court, Charlton, London appeared for sentence having pleaded guilty to transferring criminal property and removing criminal property.

When questioned she said she had been contacted by a friend who wanted to use a bank account.

Defending, Ciara Mcelvogue, said: “She was contacted by a male she thought was a friend and taken advantage of.

“She was particularly vulnerable. She had been dealing with post traumatic stress and taking medication for anxiety and depression.”

Judge Steven Evans told her: “There was a financial advantage to you. I accept you weren’t the prime mover and other people persuaded you to be involved.

“The council lost £33,000. Taxpayers money went abroad.”

He sentenced her to a 12-month Community Order.

She must attend 20 rehabilitation days and carry out 70 hours’ unpaid work and pay £600 costs.