Careers Fair at Kingsway Campus, Dunstable


The Mayor of Dunstable joined students taking part at a Careers Fair staged at the Kingsway campus of Central Beds College.

Cllr Liz Jones was glad to see so many locally-based companies forming relationships with the young people of Central Bedfordshire.

A wide range of employers joined the event on Tuesday March 21, 2023, and scores of students took the time to find out more about how they can progress into the work place after finishing college.

On offer was interview advice, volunteering opportunities, work experience and explanations of just how many different jobs are on offer.

Vice Principal Rachel Seddon joined Jade Patel, Careers Advisor and colleagues, as well as CBC Student Ambassadors in welcoming visitors through the door.

Central Beds College is now part of The Bedford College Group, the 7th largest college in the UK and recognised for its excellent relations with employers and businesses across the region.


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