Judge warns drug dealer of longer sentences for any future violations


A LUTON man who ran a class A drug supply business from his home has been jailed for 33 months on Friday, May 29, 2020.

When police swooped on the house in December 2018 they found heroin, crack cocaine and just under £3000 in cash.

As a result Samad Ali, 29, of Bury Park Road, Luton found himself in Luton Crown Court today when he admitted two charges of possessing Class A drugs with intent to supply.

Ali’s sentence means because of the time he has served on remand at Bedford Prison he will be released immediately.

In court today his barrister Michelle Clarke said he had already completed the equivalent of a three year jail sentence.

And she said because of the restrictions imposed in the jail because off the coronavirus pandemic Ali along with all the other inmates had spent the last three months locked in his cell for twenty three and a half hours each day.

The court heard police had raided Ali’s home on December 6, 2018 and a search of the property revealed drugs, money and drug paraphernalia in just about every room in the house.

Wraps of heroin and crack cocaine that were found had a street dealing value of just short of £2000.

The cash officers discovered amounted to just under £3000.

The court was told that Ali himself was a drug user at the time and he had got involved in dealing as a way of clearing his own drug debts.

Miss Clarke said Ali’s time in prison on remand meant he was now drug free.

Judge Steven Evans was told Ali had a long list of previous offences including convictions for drug related matters.

Passing sentence the judge told Ali that he had noted how in 2015 he had received a three year sentence for dealing in cocaine and heroin.

“What you got in 2015 did nothing to deter you from starting up the same business, no doubt because you have found it’s an easy way to make large amounts of money.”

But the judge warned Ali because of these conviction it now mean he is in “serious territory” whereby if he were to deal in Class A drugs again he could expect a minimum term of seven years.

The judge jailed him for a total of 33 months. Ali faces confiscation proceedings later this year.