New academy to inspire Bedfordshire’s health & social care workforce


A dedicated Health & Social Care Academy has been launched by the University of Bedfordshire in partnership with local councils and the local NHS Trusts.

The aim of the Academy is to establish itself as a centre of excellence in supporting and developing the health, social work and social care workforce across Bedfordshire and wider UK.

The Academy launched in March 2021 with the first in a series of academic events – a lecture hosted by Professor David Croisdale-Appleby, adviser to the Department of Health and expert in the integration of health and social care. The event was joined by 130 attendees, the majority of which were health and social care professionals.

Future speakers are set to include University staff Dr Suzella Palmer, Professor Michael Preston-Shoot, Professor Gurch Randhawa and Dr Louise Grant.

Member organisations of the Academy will strive to become a centre of excellence through the development of the community’s healthcare and social work students and by providing informative research-based education and Continuing Professional Development events so that it can contribute to improved outcomes for people’s health, care and well-being in Bedfordshire.

Dr Louise Grant, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, said:

“We are delighted to launch the Academy and the lecture series. The academy is designed to further enhance health and social care workforce education, training and development.

“Working in partnership we aim to deliver the best possible care to the citizens of Central Bedfordshire, Bedford Borough and Luton. We are delighted and honoured that Professor David Croisdale Appleby chose to kick off our Lecture series on the topical subject of the Integrated Health and Social Care system.”

Incorporating academic expertise from both the University’s Faculty of Health & Social Sciences and Institute for Health Research, members of the Academy include representation from Bedford Borough Council, Luton Borough Council, Central Bedfordshire Council and Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust.

Liz Lees, Chief Nurse at Bedfordshire Hospitals Foundation Trust, said: “I am excited to be involved in this new partnership across Bedfordshire with our academic and health and social care partners.”

For details about courses with the University’s School of Nursing and Health Education, visit the School webpage.

For more information about the Bedfordshire Health & Social Care Academy, visit: