Very ‘Special’ Staff at Bedford Sixth Form

Alex in Bedford Town Centre with a police colleague Lisa Miller.

Staff at The Bedford Sixth Form are all special but Deputy Head Alex Townsend goes above and beyond the call of duty as a Special Police Constable.

“I have been a special since September 2018,” says Alex, who teaches Business at The Bedford Sixth Form in Bromham Road, Bedford.

“Training was 16 weeks and I have all the same powers as regular officers and can drive vehicles too.

“We cover a variety of events across the year such as football matches and local fetes / parades but also conduct night time economy (bars and nightlife) patrols on the weekends and other duties like exercising warrants for people who are wanted.

“During the current crisis we have been patrolling lots of local areas across the country being visible, answering questions and advising people about the restrictions to make sure they stay safe.”

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