Bedfordshire Police thanks volunteers


Bedfordshire Police is highlighting the work of its volunteers and thanking all those who support the force to mark national volunteer week.

Volunteers provide a vital resource to a lot of organisations and that doesn’t stop with Bedfordshire Police. The force relies on volunteers to increase reassurance for residents across the county, as well as to provide operational support to its frontline teams. 

The Special Constabulary, made up of people volunteering their time to contribute to the safety of the county, who have the same uniform and same powers as warranted police officers, have contributed 2,277 hours for Covid-19 patrols alone. During a time of such uncertainty the force has seen a huge increase in the support and is extending its thanks to each and every person who has helped during the pandemic. 

Over the past year the force’s watch schemes have also seen great results to celebrate, with the street watch teams volunteering a staggering 426 hours during November 2019 to aid police patrols during Remembrance Sunday and multiple Christmas light switch on events. The street watch schemes have proved to be a great resource for the force and as such a new group in Silsoe was launched at the beginning of 2020.

In 2019, the speed watch teams sent a total of 4,800 letters to speeding motorists in hot spot areas which not only helps deter speeding and help keep communities safe but it could also lead to penalties and fines for repeat offenders. 

The force’s younger volunteers, cadets, supported the force by providing additional numbers at various events across Bedfordshire including remembrance Sunday parades, community engagement and force open days . They also help the force engage with the younger generation and set a great example to look up to as they give back to the community.  

Wendy Bird, Citizens in Policing Unit Manager, said: “The dedication and passion of our volunteers who generously give up their time to make a difference to the local community is fantastic and we thank each and every person for their enthusiasm and dedication.  Volunteers play a huge part in policing, we can’t thank them enough and it’s great to see the force getting behind National Volunteers Week.

“Our volunteers are able to support the force in multiple ways whether it’s helping in back office functions, monitoring speeding vehicles and carrying out reassurance patrols, working alongside regular officers and assisting at community events.  It all helps the force better protect the citizens of Bedfordshire.

“If you want to give back to the community, help the force and gain some new skills and meet people along the way, volunteer with us!” 

Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 we have had to put a pause on some of our volunteering schemes to follow government guidance, however if you would like to get involved or find out more visit

Keep an eye on Bedfordshire Police’s social media channels to find out more about the different volunteering schemes and what they have achieved over the past year.