Councillors call for consultation extension on East West Rail


The deadline for responses to the current consultation on East West Rail should be extended, according to Bedford’s Conservative Councillors. The recent increase in COVID infections across the Borough has called into question the viability of a special meeting of the Council, where residents and pressure groups concerned about the choice of route, are due to discuss their concerns with Councillors.

Council meetings must now be held ‘in-person’ and can no longer be held virtually, as the legislation expired in May and was not renewed. However, the rise in COVID infections locally and the expected large number of members of the public attending such a meeting, creates the possibility of a ‘super-spreader’ event. This is a matter of concern to both Council Officers and Councillors across all parties.

The strength of opposition to the selected route (E) means that there is an increasing demand for public debate and scrutiny of the Borough Council’s own proposals on East West Rail. The Council cannot use the unfortunate circumstances of increasing local COVID rates to deny the public a proper say.

The current deadline for responses to the consultation is June 9, leaving a very small window for the Council to meet and consult residents, take note of their views, act on any concerns and then submit its proposals to East West Rail. 

Bedford Conservative Group Leader, Cllr Graeme Coombes, has therefore called on the Mayor to request the Transport Minister instructs East West Rail to extend the consultation by 6-8 weeks. This would then allow an in-person Council meeting to take place when COVID infections are decreasing again.